Paper session 1
Seyed Mojtaba Karbasi, Halvor Sogn Haug, Mia-Katrin Kvalsund, Michael Joseph Krzyzaniak and Jim Torresen: A Generative Model for Creating Musical Rhythms with Deep Reinforcement Learning [pdf]
Koray Tahiroğlu, Miranda Kastemaa and Oskar Koli: GANSpaceSynth: A Hybrid Generative Adversarial Network Architecture for Organising the Latent Space using a Dimensionality Reduction for Real-Time Audio Synthesis [pdf]
Matthew Yee-King and Louis McCallum: Studio report: sound synthesis with DDSP and network bending techniques [pdf]
Gordan Kreković and Antonio Pošćić: Data-Driven Generative Live Coding for Music Creation [pdf]